Saturday, May 06, 2006

Best Friends!

Mackenzie and I were driving in the car yesterday and she looked at me and said " Mommy you and I are best friends right?" I said yes, we will always be best friends. I then proceeded to put the song best friends on in the car as she and I happily sang it aloud together. As I thought about the statement, I smiled, I always want her to think of me as a mother and a best friend. Best friends are hard to come by. I am one of those lucky people who have a very close relationship with my mother. We talk on the phone a minimum of 5 times a day, every day. I have 2 sisters and 2 sisters in law whom I am also very close too. I feel the luckiest because I have a true best friend. We have been best friends since we have been 8 years old. She is like a true girlfriend soulmate. We share thoughts and always listen and empathize, and never judge each other. She respects me and I respect her. We offer each other support and encouragement and lend a hand when necessary, without ever thinking twice. My best friend took all of my kids over night so my husband and I could have a much needed night alone. We are not talking just one child but 3 of them, the oldest which just turned 5 and the youngest barely 1. This is a huge undertaking and she did it with a smile. I know she loves to have kids around and her kids love mine, but I know the true reason why she always helps out... She is my best friend and these are things that friends do for each other. Everytime I hear kids in school casually mention who their BFF is of the moment, I can only hope that they and my own children one day will hit the jack pot, by really finding their BFFL, because I found mine at 8 years old!

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