Saturday, March 29, 2008

So much news

This past week has been a whirlwind to say the least. It started with a phone call at school last Thursday from Alex's ENT. He wanted another associate to take a look at the swollen lymph node in Alex's neck, after reading his CT scan. he told me it was not a big deal, just wanted to make sure. So we made an appointment for weds 3/26 at 8am. On Saturday morning we left for Williamburg Va and had a blast. We got home on tuesday night. So we take Alex to his appointment and the specialist, refers us to an oncologist. Well that was frightening no parent ever wants to have to take their kid to that doctor. On Friday morning we had Alex's preschool eligibility meeting, and fully thinking he was not going to qualify for special education, low and behold he did qualify. So he will begin pre school next month. there are alot of mixed emotions there. but he still needs OT, and I guess he has some delays in other areas that I am not picking up on. Then we go to the oncologist for a 3 and 1/2 hour visit. She thinks he looks good, and does not think it is the C word, so there is no need to cut it out. At busch gardens, Dylan my oldest who just turned 7 went on all of the big roller coasters! Even the ones that went upside down!! It was so much fun. All three of my kids ate a hooters restaurant and loved it. they all have shirts that they wear with pride! My daughter mackenzie went under water at the hotel pool, so overall the week was a roller coaster ride from start to finish!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Easter vacation yeah! After today i do not go back to work until 3/31/08. I love Easter break, because once we go back to school it is smooth sailing from then on. June 17th will be here before I know it and then summer is here. My oldest turns 7 tomorrow- wow 7 years where did the time go. We had is Bday party on Sunday and 18 kids were there all having a great time. the family is going on a 7 hour journey to Williamburg Va and busch gardens. We are going for 4 days and we leave Saturday, the kids are so excited. I find out on March 28th is Alex qualifies for preschool. i do not think he will, so I am trying not to think about it too much. If he does not get in we will send him 3 half days per week to a local montessori school. Well thats it for now! I plan on enjoying the next 10 days!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Will he get in??

So Alex has finished all of his evals for the preschool. So here is the question, will he qualify or not. To think there is a greater chance that he will not qualify is unbelievable. I want him to qualify because he still needs OT. He does not need any additional services. The school is an integrated on where typical kids ( who get in by lottery) are educated alongside of those with minimal special needs( speech etc), and it is free. So if Alex qualifies, he goes to a free preschool with his peers, if he does not qualify then we can hope he is one of the 10% that get in by lottery. So here is the thing.... I want him to qualify, because I never hit the lottery( well technically with Alex I did, as he is one of the 5% whose Cp is virtually( I say virtually for a reason) unnoticeable. You see we were in the hospital this weekend because Alex got his thumb caught in the door. He pulled it out and it looked as though he dislocated his thumb. You see, he dislocates his joints more easily than others because they are lax. They are lax because of "his condition" so as we are told his conditioned is no longer dectable ,"it"-comes back and says"I am still here", in ways such as the dislocated thumb. But I would take that any day of the week. So we wait until our appointment on March 28th to see if he qualifies. Is he 33% delayed, is it enough to qualify if only his OT scores are low? We will find out. I am anticipating leaving that meeting being both happy and sad regardless of the out come. If he qualifies, I will be happy because he will go to the preschool and it wont cost us anything, but sad because he will qualify which indicates they detect something wrong. if he does not get in- I will be sad because we will have to fork over 5000 for preschool, but happy because he is deemed okay by the school. See my dilemma here. I guess in the end it does not matter, Alex is very special and I know that. I do not need a school district to tell me that

Friday, March 07, 2008

my amazing kids

I know I always brag about my children, but I truly think that they are all very special. Dylan is a great little athlete and is very bright. He loves his teacher and his class. He is in the gifted enrichment program and is smart as hell! He was up watching survivor last night with me.This is the only show on TV that i watch! and was so disappointed that chet did not get voted out. he said.." but mommy he is the weakest and needs to leave the tribe!" It is nice to be 6 where everything is so cut and dry like that. i did not have the heart to tell him that due to social reasons a big strong guy got voted out. He just couldn't understand it. One day he is going to have to deal with unfair social situations, and I hope he fairs well. Mackenzie is 5 going on 15. She is a beautiful little girl, and lvoes to be the center of attention( I wonder where she gets that from?) She is also very bright and loves preschool, she can't wait to go to kindergarten next year. For some starnge reason she thinks she is in a competetion with me constantly. I bought my self socks at cosco that had cute patters( not just plain white) and she immediately became annoyed, because there were none available in her size. If this is what it is like at 5 I wonder how she will be as a teenager, she will probably push my buttons constantly. Alex- well what can I say that has not already been said, he is my miracle. He is so confident and determined. He wont let me even unzip his coat.. "I do it myself" that is his battle cry. He wants to eat with chopsticks, he is just too much. He starts daddy and me floor hockey ( I know he wont be 3 until the end of April) on Sunday. I cant believe it, I will probably cry on Sunday when he hits the floor with the other 3 year olds. He will be playing a contact sport( yes I know they have plastic sticks and felt balls but for those that know my journey, you know this is a HUGE deal) with other children his own age, something we did not dream would be possible, but hey, in this life... Anything is possible... We can all thank Alex for teaching us that.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

School Daze

Well today has been the most boring day of school ever. You see it is the start of the 3 day HSPA testing. We teachers have to spend 3-4 hours each morning proctoring students. Which means we sit and stare at them. I am not kidding it is the worst thing ever. I dread these days alot, I am sure way more than the kids do. Sitting still never came easy to me and it still doesn't. We are going to busch gardens ver soon for easter break. i cant wait. i just wish Dylan had the same break as the rest of us. Dylan does not get his week off of school until the passover week. So he will miss one day of school to accompany us to Virginia. The kids are quite excited about the trip. Alex starts daddy and me floor hockey next week, and kenzie and Dylan are getting better and better each week on ice skates. Dylan starts up lacrosse and baseball soon as well. It looks to be a busy spring, but summer is right around the corner. The kids are already asking about the pool and Alex wants to jump off the diving board. he will do it oo, he has no fear!