Thursday, June 08, 2006

Suprising last day

Well yesterday was the last full day of school for me. The last time, that I will see many of the seniors that I had in class this year. I, just like every other teacher on the planet looks forward to the last day of school. It is the beginning of summer, the beginning of freedom, the sun, the water, lazy days and nights( I still plan on going to the gym twice a day though!). I was actually quite sad at the end of the day. This was the first year of teaching my new subject. So each class ended with hugs and thank you's. Period 2 especially suprised me. Some of the kids in the class that are not very vocal normally, made my day. These girls were so complementary, and they have know idea of how much it meant to me. You see, normally a teacher can tell which kids love the class, hate it etc. I thought these kids thought the class was okay, but nothing great. The kids in my school are very critical of their teachers as well. They( especially the AP and honors kids) complain if a class is too easy or to hard, if the teacher is not doing a good job etc. These kids are our best critics. And for them to complement me and my teaching style, meant so much. This continued throughout the day, and I left school feeling happy, but sad. We ended the year with either a breakfast or a pizza party, and I will miss all of the students greatly. I want to thank all of my students( I know they will probably never read this) for making my life as a full time working mother of three, easy. One may think... How could it possibly easy? It seemed easy because it was fun! Yes, my job, the one I get paid for, is a lot of fun. Then again I find a grueling workout to be fun, and juggling all of my responsibilites fun. So on the last day of school, I realized that if you go through life with a smile on your face then, you will probably have fun. I guess this is like the James Lange Theory, we smile so we feel happy! So start smiling everyone!

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