Monday, September 11, 2006


I started my lesson today talking about Flashbulb memories. These are the memories that are so powerful that they are etched in your mind forever. The morning of September 11 2001, was so sureal. I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. I can remember exactly how I found out. I was off periods 2 and 3. Sp basically I did not have students from 851- until 1029. This is when everything went down. After the first tower was hit, the school was unusually quiet. Little did I know that a major life changing event was happening. When I heard that a plan hit the tower, I just assumed it was a small plane and there were very few casualties. Then I heard about plane number two. As soon as that happened I realized something was terribly wrong. I went into my friend Annes room, who was teaching her period two class like nothing was out of the ordinary. Little did she know. She had a radio in her room , and I told her we had to listen. So there we were glued to the radio for 90 minutes. The kids could not bellieve it was happening. I remember hearing a womans voice as the first tower fell, she was in disbelief as she said, it is all gone, it's all gone. I can remember feeling such a profound saddness, that it is impossible to measure. John and I both showed up at the babysitters house to pick up Dylan, just so we could hug him. I remember thinking that I need to protect him from all of the saddness in the world. I can remember for the first time feeling vulnerable, really vulnerable. September 10, 2001 was the last day that we as americans were completely free of horrible thoughts of a catatrophic event happening. Now we have that twing of fear every time we watch the news, ot get on a plane. September 11 changed the nation, but it what does not kill us, makes us stronger, so lets hope that old adage rings true. These were just some of my thoughts about today

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