Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What else can one take??

Well Monday was suppossed to be a lovely day off. Alex had a check up at the ENT to see how the tubes in his ears were working and for a follow up hearing test, We all figured that fluid was the reason for his flat tympanograms, so I did not even think of it as a major deal. Well it is a major deal. he still has a moderate hearing loss. We have to get one of those sedated hearing tests where the put electrodes on his head to see if he has senory neural hearing loss. The doctor said he might need a hearing aid as well. How much more can this poor little guy take. Well actually it is me, his mom. How much more can I take? I do not know. Between teaching, coaching, and being a mom life is difficult enough, please do not let him be hearing impaired. Both for my sake and his. he already receives alot of therapy as it is. So now we will get speech 2 times a week from early intervention. Thats it for now

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