Saturday, December 30, 2006


WEll we had our much anticipated Neurology visit on Thursday. The doctor seems a bit concerned about the size of Alex's head and that he has some veins in his forhead that are prominent. So he said we can not avoid the MRI any longer. It will be pedi day stay at the hospital. He will then discuss the results with me the next day by phone. I have not found out when we are going, but the appointment will be set within the next 6 weeks. I am trying not to worry. But try googling, hypotonia, macrocephaly and prominent or bulging forehead veins, and see what you find! I asked him again about the static encephalopathy diagnosis, and he said- yes that is what he has. I asked about CP and the doc told me that he does not like to use that for Alex's condition, he said Alex would have hypotonic CP, but prefers static encephalopathy as well. I guess the MRI will tell all. My little guy is doing great. he says about 100 words and is suprising me more and more each day. His favorite song is Thunderstruck by ACDC( this is not a joke) He even says Thunder every time he hears the music- and specialists are telling me he has hearing issues-- I DON"T THINK SO! he knows the words to HEY YA and Thunderstruck and can sing it! He tells me to push him in the swing and he kicks the soccer ball on command. My little fighter is defying every odd! That is why I was disappointed when the doc told me he was still quite hypotonic. I thought we fixed it, I thought all of the activity and therapy and gymnastics took care of it. I thought when I was told initially that it was life long that it did not apply to my son. I thought some how I was going to go to the neurologist and he was going to marvel at my son and say-- well Alex has beaten it, you have won!! So yes, despite my happy exterior and positive attitude, I am hurting inside. I am filled with wonder and worry for my little boy. I also know that Alex has two parents that love him more than anything, and will give up anything to assure that he gets all that he needs. I believe in my heart that the MRI will be fine, I also believe that yes, he has this condition, but he also has the heart and spirit of a warrior and will not accept any limits! I love my little trooper more than anything- You should see him dribble the ball- QUITE a sight-- " Athletics and physical activities will always be hard for your son," as told be numerous therapists--- I say -- Someone forgot to tell him that!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Breakfast with Coach U

well this morning I had the opportunity to have breakfast with one of my favorite coaches of all time. Mind you... I have had alot of them, but this man ranks number 2 sandwiched between Mr. Curci and Bob Turner. All of my other coaches have been soccer coaches and were always very nice to me, but these three men taught me how to be a better person. Mr Curci- well besides being a great friend and surrogate father, is just to special to put into words. Bob Turner coached me on travel team for only about a year, but made a lasting imprint. He cared about his players as human beings not just superior athletes. But the Coach who is right behind Mr. Curci is Coach Uhrich. I always loved running for Coach U, but it was not until I became a High School coach myself, did I begin to realize what he did for me. I did not even start running until winter track junior year. Now we had an already established strong team, and instead of just relegating me to the status of other athletes who ran track to keep in shape for their main sport, he gave me a chance. He allowed me to be a part of the top relay teams and participate in high profile events. yes- I had to earn my spot, but he saw that I had talent and pushed me. There were other second sport athletes that were never pushed. He also put up with the fact that I would have to leave meets early to go to a soccer game or whatever. Do not get me wrong, I would not miss a race, i just would not get to stay for the marathon Saturday at jadwin gym, watching all of the other athletes get their turn. When I decided to run cross country my senior year, he and the team welcomed me with open arms. Even though, I was going to eventually take someones spot. I just knew I ran, I liked being part of a group that won meets, I never knew how they scored them etc. As the season went on, there were 7 of us that would practice for the big meets. . Although I ran to better my time and for the team to win, it always took a back seat to soccer, we ended up winning the State Group III title that year. i remember bringing home my medal and showing my parents but never realizong how big of an accomplishment that was until I became a coach. Coach U has won 8 of these championships! What still is most astonishing to me is how he was able to keep the peace between all of the girls on his team, especially when an outsider like me came in. That is the mark of a great coach. One who is able to get the best out of each and every player and keep them happy at the same times. Seeing him today brought back those great memories. HS Soccer- although a team sport, I played for me, trained for me, and scored for me . While running Cross Country I was one of 7 runners that scored in a race run by individuals, even though I was not the number 1 runner, I still felt like an integral member because of my teammates and Coach. He taught me how to be a team player. Coach U knew that having the top runner was not going to win a state title, but having 5-7 runners who were very good would. He trained us and inspired us, I believe he taught each and everyone of us. Thanks Coach U-- for breakfast and for the life lessons!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

How ironic?

Well yesterday, I experienced a big dose of irony. I am reading Dylan's notes from his folder and there it is... A note from his kindergarten teacher saying that she is pregnant and is due in early June. I immediately thought... How could she?? Couldn't she time it so she had her child over the summer so my son would not have a substitute for his final month of kindergarten? Wasn't she thinking about the educational impact of her leaving, on her students? Then the biggest sense of shame hit me... I have done this 3 times. 3 times I have left my students mid year to leave them with a substitute for months at a time. How could I be upset with her? What kind of person am I? Look at what I did to my students. I guess this is the price we working women have to pay. Ms. Snyder is going to learn the cruel reality of a teacher mom.... My children or my students?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Santa Claus is coming to town

This is my very favorite time of the year. My kids are so excited for christmas, it is just phenomenal. I hope they like all of their gifts. My class is trying to sleep right now, I am not kidding they are really trying to sleep. We are studying states of consciousness and we have discussed that many teens are sleep deprived. We will know if they need sleep if they can fall asleep in here. I have shut off all of the lights and we will conduct an experiment to see how many kids in my period 9/10 are sleep deprived! My guess is that 7 of them will fall asleep, who knows. 1 week until christmas, I cant wait. Alex has another ear infection, he and John were back at the docs today. His tubes are still in so I cant understand how he got another infection... oh well. We have his neurology appointment next week. So I will update you all(mom) on his condition. I have a few gifts left to buy, so I am going to hit the mall on my way home from school today!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Can a mom be replaced?

Well the past few weeks there has been quite a shift in the Haar household. I found out a lot about my husband and his ability to do many of the typical mom duties. Last week all three of the kids were sick. It started with Alex coughing a lot on saturday, and then John decided to take him to the docs on Monday. He even dropped off the prescription and picked it up and gave Alex his nebulizer 4 times per day! Then Dylan gets sick on Tuesday, so he loads up the car, drops Makcenzie off at school and proceeds to take Dylan to the doctor with Alex in tow. John finds out that dylan too has a double ear infection and needs antibiotics, so again he does the entire pharmacy thing by himself, and medicates the sick kids each day, and still remembers to pick up Kenzie from school each day... I am sure you know where this is going, I got an email from mackenzies teacher saying after her nap her temp was 101. Since it was 15 minutes before dismissal, they did not call home... But yes-- The trifecta, was about to take place, ALL 3 with ear infections and Alex also had bronchitis. John has to take Makcenzie to the docs with the other 2 with him. This is no small feet even for the most experienced mom, yet he passed with flying colors. He even made the judgement call to keep her home from school on Thursday because he thought she was coughing a bit too much and her mucus was still green. He made the call!!! So anyone reading this would say that he has earned his mommy stripes this week. But there are so many other subtle changes that have taken place especially regarding his charge, Alex. For example.. Only John does the nebulizer, he knows how to get Alex to take it. He told me that Alex likes twix bars too, and now has concocted a high calorie protien shake for Alex to drink. When Alex gets upset, he cries daddy, daddy , daddy. I have to admit to beging jealous at first( I am still a little jealous but oh well). He tells me what books Alex likes him to read, and has really taken his new job seriously. Guess what I have learned through all of this... Men, if given the chance, can do the job of a mom. Mom just has to be out of the picture, so they get the chance. Ladies... go away for an entire day( 8 hours) or a weekend, and let your husband take over. Do not leave them any instructions( nobody ever left you instructions right?) They will figure it out, and probably love every second of it like we do!