Thursday, November 08, 2007

Aruba, jamiaca.......

Well today is the day! We leave for jamaica in a few hours. I cant believe it. We finished packing last night, and the kids can not wait to spend 4 glorious nights at Momma's house. they are so excited. In fact, Alex just came downstairs and said..."are we going to momma's?" I think it is almost as bad as "Are we there yet?" Mackenzie turned five yesterday, where did the time go? We are going to go see the little mermaid on broadway on the 17th of this month, It should be fun. So the vacation should be a blast, I picture many hours sitting on a beach and drinking Pina coladas, and I do not care that they will have 1000 calories each, because I know the next time I get away without the kids, will not be anytime soon. We are probably looking at a minimum of a 5 year debt on this one! So Dirty Banannas, Mudslides, and any other high calorie drink will not stand a chance with me this vacation. I packed one suitcase, which contains mostly flip flops in different colors! It is only 7:20am and the kids already want to leave. Maybe they really do not like us very much, or just like Mommas better. They are very fond of ice cream for breakfast, that is what she is most famous for! Actually what kid would not want to spend four nights with their grandparents who spoil them rotten. I say.... Spoil away, it does not happen often and this is their vacation as well as ours. So i am off. We will be back on November 12th with a bit of a tan I am sure. See you then!

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