Sunday, September 16, 2007

I forgot how hard September is!

I have not posted in a while due to my new schedule. I have the craziest September ever, and just keep reminding myself that there is only 6 weeks until things lighten up a whole lot. A weekly recap of my activities:

5am- alram goes off, brush teeth, pick up duffle bag( already stocked the night before) and head to gym. My gym offers classes at 530am. They are packed too, i cant believe I am not the only crazy one out there.
On Mondays and Thursdays I do group power( one hour of weight lifting) and on Tuesday, thurs and Friday I do an hour of spin! I shower and change at the gym, it takes 20 minutes and then I head to work. This year i teach an extra class, so I have only one break all day, to pee and get things copied and eat, but it is an extra 9200 for the year, so it is worth it! School ends at 215 and then I have soccer games on Monday weds and friday, in which I finish at 6 and on Monday and Friday I get to train a team at 6-730. basically every night I get home around 8pm. tuesdays it is a bot earlier- I get home at 6pm. Its a crazy schedule, I know. Once halloween comes there wont be any more soccer and I will be home each day at 245. It seems crazy that life is this hectic now, but due to soccer we paid off makcenzie presschool full days 5 days a week in full! That is huge, it could have been a large monthly payment! Dylan does football and soccer, Alex does gymboree, messy school and music, all with daddy in the mornings and kenzie is doing soccer, dance and sports smarts! It seems crazy but if you have 3 kids, all three of them want to have actvities, the trick is scheduling, apparnetly this is a strong suit of mine as my life is scheduled to the hilt! Today we had no schedule and it was lovely, besides Dylans 8am fottball game. We went food shopping and then to coldstone creamery for lunch! We all have a huge dish of icecream with all sorts of goodies in it! the only rule is( Dont tell daddy!)

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