Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bad Mommy!

Well today, I had a half a day at work and then spent some time with my sister in law Elana and my nephew jake. jake and Alex are the same age. Well when I put Alex in for a nap, I told Elana my little secret. yes-- I will give him a bottle and not a cup. I do not put him to bed often, maybe once a week at most. Alex is a daddy's boy, so whats the harm in spoiling him. I know exactly what she thought.... (Because I have thought this before when relatives and friends say ohh its okay, just this one time.. who needs a schedule etc.) Tomorrow when john puts him to bed, he is going to pitch a bitch and John wont know why. he wont understand why Alex is begging for the bottle, he will think that Alex is just giving him a hard time... I know I should tell him, but I am not and I wont! I will sneak the bottle out of the crib before John sees it. It's bad enough that John is his favorite, so am I a bad mommy for bribing him??

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