Monday, January 01, 2007

Hello 2007

Well 2007 was ushered in with a bang. I got a stomach virus at about 240am, and basically spent the rest of the night in the toilet. Just a suggestion- buffalo wings taste terrific going down but are hell when one has to vomit all night! So I have spent the entire first full day of 2007 sleeping, and recovering. I have to go back to work tomorrow to boot! 2006 turned out to be a very good year. It started and ended with uncertainties about Alex, but overall it was a good one. A few noteworthy highlights that I can think of right now...
1. Alex walking at 13 months! This was huge.
2. Dylan turning five, and graduating from preschool with a broken wrist.
3. Mackenzie starting pre school
4. Although I recieved my "additions" late December, I consider 2006 my first year as a well endowed woman!
5. I am obsessed again with working out, and can wear a size 4 or 6. I am finally back to my prepregnancy weight
6. John becoming a stay at home dad, had radically changed all of our lives... for the better!

Thats about all I can think of.. But I have 5 very happy, healthy people in my immediate family.. and that really is all one can ask for!

HAPPY 2007!!

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